
i’m a host at heart

For years I helped run New Student Orientation at the college I worked at. So much of what we got to pull off then is still true for who I am now – I want to create spaces (in-person or online) to welcome and guide, process and connect.

I love hosting events related live music and deeper conversations, of connection and art and substance. I’m an expert at thinking through the set-up and flow, down to the very last detail of getting things in place so that guests feel totally free to be themselves.

Want to collaborate to pull something meaningful off?

past Events:



syvers - house show

summer 2022 | Minneapolis, mn

I got to collaborate and create with good friends and local musicians Syvers to pull off a vision near and dear to them for years. From planning to execution, I was able to think through and work out details to make a meaningful night of music for both the artist and every guest. I loved getting to help create a space for listening, connecting, growing, and supporting local artists. Not to mention it's also so life-giving to me to create the perfect "vibe" for such things – it was so beautiful! I also got to do photography for the event.

kintsugi workshop

winter 2022 | Minneapolis, MN

Partnering with Story Coach, transracial adoptee, and Spiritual Director Sandhya Oaks, we hosted an event full of depth and care. Through the Japanese art form Kintsugi, we led our guests through meaningfully engaging the broken parts of our stories. It was such a privilege to facilitate an experience for people who were willing to enter into potentially difficult parts of their experiences and sit with it, work with it, and reimagine its reform. I also got to photograph the event.