What TO Expect

Originally written in March of 2021.

tell me it'll all make sense
that everything will work out
in the end
that everything You're working out
is worth it

if I'm honest,
I'm nervous

You already know it –
everything the future holds, so
will you show us?

I'm so tired of waiting
and it seems like nothing
will ever change
always stuck
in the same maddening place

we've looked, longed
and dreamed for so long –
please, Lord,
don't let our hope be in vain

it's too painful 
to hope
too vulnerable 
to dream
something in me tells me
it's better
to not expect anything

but Father, You say, 
"Ask, and it will be given
Seek, and you will find,"
let now be the time
You come through and provide


100 Day Project 2021


What's Underneath